Baldi's Basics Plus
10 months ago

Version 0.5.2 is available now!

Hey everyone! With the last update, a new bug crept in that caused some captions to freeze in place in certain scenarios. That seemed like it would be a pretty annoying issue, so instead of saving the fix for another big patch in a few weeks, I decided to just release a small hotfix to take care of the issue now.

Here's the full (albeit tiny) changelog for version 0.5.2:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some captions permanently freezing in place and never disappearing in some scenarios.

  • Fixed propagated audio managers playing audio from an incorrect position on the first frame they are loaded. This issue also affected captions and so captions appearing in the incorrect position on the first frame they appear should also be fixed.




Next up

Celebrate the 3-year anniversary of Baldi's Basics with a presentation by the game's developer featuring a few surprises and a status update on the development of Baldi's Basics Plus!

March 31, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST


Version 0.7 Status Update

Baldi's Basics turned five at the end of March! To celebrate, I teamed up with Makeship to create a new Baldi plushie! Check it out here:

It will only be available to purchase until April 28, so don't wait too long!

Verson 0.7.1 is available now!

Version 0.9 is available now!

Version 0.6 Status Update

Version 0.4 is out now! PLUS, a 40% off sale!

Baldi's Basics Plus version 0.5 is on its way! + New ANGRY Baldi Plushie!

Version 0.6 is available now!

Version 0.7 is available now! + New Dr. Reflex Plushie!