Yandere Plus: Escape

3 years ago

Version 0.6.0:

the gameplay for the call police ending;
Akane's behavior;
visual effects in menu.

a bug with incorrect display of buttons on the screen;
non-working training level.

Added a little secret to the menu :)
And more...



Next up

I want to slightly change the gameplay where we call the police

New exit: Of course some things will change later. I just want to share my progress with you. I also created a discord server. I'm not sure that it is needed at this stage of the development, but it definitely can't interfere :)

0.8.2: Added: new player model Inverse Kinematics for some animation translation system and Russian language new fonts.

Changed: Akane's behavior post-processing effects graphics settings subtitles lighting.

Game has been optimized; Bug Fixes; And more...

0.8.0 & 0.8.1

Added: speedrun mode prompts on the screen for important events

Changed: Akane's behavior post-processing effects many images of interface elements costs and recovery of stamina

The game is easier on Normal difficulty Fixed a lot of bugs ...

Hey! I wanted to say that the author of this game had a birthday yesterday 🥳 And the game is changing: Interface elements and more will be updated soon! But I still need more time

Hey! I wanted to say that I have quite a little time because of my studies at school. I hope you can wait for me to finish the second Yandere :3

Guys, I'm actively developing a new version of the game, but I rarely post information here. For details about the development, you can contact our discord server. I really like the players' attention :3 - new Akane model

Hair physics will be added in the next update :)

I am working on an inventory system :3 in the future, we will be able to pick up and drop things