Baldi's Basics Plus
7 months ago

Version 0.6.1 is available now!

Hello everyone! Baldi's Basics Plus version 0.6.1 is available now! This update fixes several bugs that were in the game. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs as many of these would have been missed by myself! Here's the full changelog:


  • Propagated sounds are no longer audible if they are coming from silenced cells (For example, when WD-NoSquee is used). Note that non-propagated sounds, such as the sound that plays when entering a locker or Chalkles' laugh, will still be audible for now.

  • The Library now silences all cells inside so they behave the same as an area covered by WD-NoSquee.

  • Merry-go-rounds now fluctuate in direction and speed. This should prevent NPCs from getting stuck on them.

  • If a save file is corrupted or lost, the game will now search the save folder for existing files and recreate the NameList file based on its findings. This check will help prevent files from being excluded from the name list due to errors.

  • The save & quit poster in The Pitstop now clarifies that save and quit is for Hide & Seek only. Entering the save & quit room in explorer mode will just quit the game without saving.

  • Updated the contents of the crazy vending machine to include more items.

  • Shader variants are now used to control whether or not sprites billboard.

  • Tile materials now do not use alpha clipping shaders unless one of the tile textures has transparent pixels.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Diet BSODAs not saving in the inventory or storage locker when saving and quitting a game.

  • Fixed the HUD not returning to full brightness when exiting a hidden state.

  • Fixed NPCs getting stuck in the ground due to whirlpools... Probably.

  • Fixed an error which could occur when trying to load a corrupted NameList.lst file, which would cause the file select screen to cease functioning and essentially lock players out of the game until the file was manually deleted. The game should now be able to recognize when the NameList file is corrupted and replace it with an uncorrupted file.

  • Fixed whirlpools pulling on entities through one way colliders that the entity cannot pass through.

  • Fixed some main menu sounds not playing after completing a challenge map.

  • Fixed the grappling hook motor audio volume not being affected by volume settings.

  • Fixed a bug where the world wouldn't render if the player unpaused the game on the same frame the pause screen transition finished playing.

  • Fixed a visual issue that would occur when opening the advanced map while viewing the quick map.

  • Fixed the hand icon sometimes not disappearing when finishing/losing a level with it active.

  • Fixed the inventory saying "Nothing" when first spawning after loading a saved game even if an item is highlighted.

  • Fixed some playground variants not having any chance to get apple or banana trees.

  • Fixed a potted plant that was clipping through the wall in one faculty room.

  • Fixed the pickup that appears for the party event disappearing when the event is over if it has been collected and swapped with another item.

  • Several characters now override caption colors to make sure they are consistent.

  • Fixed the "*SNAP*" caption for the grappling hook being green.

  • Fixed the open save folder button not working on MacOS. NOTE: Since logs and save files are stored in two different locations on MacOS, this button will open two folders, the save folder and the log folder.

  • Fixed Mrs. Pomp's stomping sound playing rapidly for a few moments when she is teleported.

  • Fixed Baldi's sprite not immediately changing to his slap sprite as soon as he becomes dangerous again after being in a safe state.

  • Fixed fog rendering onto some UI elements.

Known Issues

I have read all the bug reports posted on the Steam forums for version 0.6! If you reported a bug that wasn't fixed and don't see it on the known issues list, I have probably noted it internally but have not listed it here due to it being low priority. That, or it's working as intended.

Note that many of the issues listed here have been reported by players, but I have yet to reproduce them myself, so the accuracy of them might vary.

  • Balloons occasionally clip into objects.

  • NPCs will often not try to flip themselves when they are oriented opposite the player during Gravity Chaos. This can lead to strange NPC behavior.

  • NPCs will occasionally appear to turn-around when entering open areas where a hallway bridges between two different parts of that open area.

  • Lockdown doors near spawn can be seen snapping into the open position at game start.

  • Dr. Reflex can squish NPCs even when they do not match his orientation during Gravity Chaos.

  • Captions are more likely to stack on top of each other and become hard to read due to the new sound propagation system. I plan on finding a way to prevent captions from rendering on top of each other.

  • There is no indication for when entities are about to become unsquished.

  • It is possible to see out of bounds while being rotated by a gravity flipper while squished.

  • On some screen resolutions, it is possible to see a gap through some elements on the elevator screen.

  • Some NPCs are very annoying when they are squished.

  • Wind and conveyor belt audio is not propagated.

  • NPCs will occasionally end up wandering into an area they should be fleeing from.

  • Dr. Reflex can sometimes get his hammer early while being pushed around by outside forces or when he is not able to find a path to his clinic.

  • NPCs can collide with other entities through walls, triggering their effects.

  • Math Machine balloons can rarely get stuck behind the diagonal math machine.

  • Principal, under some circumstances, can maintain his fast speed after using the principal whistle.

  • Arts and Crafters' echoes while attacking don't always match his orientation during the gravity event.

  • A seed is displayed when playing pre-made maps.

  • Held sprite objects, such as the math machine balloons, can be held into other areas such that their lighting noticeably changes.

  • Mrs. Pomp doesn't wander around class rooms in pre-made maps. She just stands in a corner.

  • Certain sound effects are delayed while the environment is frozen (Such as when Mrs. Pomp is asking the player to come to her class).

  • Maps from saved games of Hide & Seek from older versions of the game will fill out the areas found from the previous play session, even if it doesn't match new level generation.

  • Principal doesn't open office doors during detention while fleeing from a tape.

  • During the flood, hall swinging doors do not open, while swinging doors that lead into rooms do open.

  • The speed at which items slide in and out of the inventory can be inconsistent. This does not affect the responsiveness of using items.

  • AudioManagers playing multiple sounds in different mixer groups at once causes volume conflicts.

  • NPCs occasionally getting stuck in rooms.

  • One-way swinging doors can generate on top of standard swinging doors.

  • Cloudy Copter's wind can pass through solid objects like lockdown doors.

  • Placing an alarm clock in a doorway prevents the door from being clicked.

  • Gotta Sweep can navigate through locked standard doors but will not open them.

  • The Test can spawn close to the player.

  • Some users have reported getting regular BSODAs from Diet BSODA machines. I have not been able to reproduce this. If someone finds a way to reproduce this or can record it happening, please let me know.




Next up

Baldi's Basics Plus version 0.5 is on its way! + New ANGRY Baldi Plushie!

Version 0.7 is available now! + New Dr. Reflex Plushie!

Version 0.6 Status Update

Version 0.9 is available now!

Version 0.6 is available now!

Verson 0.7.1 is available now!

Version 0.7 Status Update

Version 0.4 is out now! PLUS, a 40% off sale!

Version 0.8 is available now! + New Principal Plushie!

Celebrate the 3-year anniversary of Baldi's Basics with a presentation by the game's developer featuring a few surprises and a status update on the development of Baldi's Basics Plus!

March 31, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST
