Baldi's Basics Plus

8 months ago

Version 0.6 Status Update

Hello all!

Today I'm posting a small status update to share some of the stuff I expect to make its way into version 0.6!

Since releasing version 0.5, most of my time has been spent working on one really big change/new feature instead of several smaller new features. Because of this I may have to delay the update a week or two just to make sure I get it wrapped up and ready to ship first (I normally aim for the first Monday of every other month for major update releases). Normally I wouldn't delay an update like this under my new release schedule, and would just release it with whatever is ready, however if I do that for 0.6 before finishing this stuff, it will be a pretty small update.

So what is the big change I've been working on? The (tentatively named) Pit Stop!

Now, between levels/attempts, you can visit The Pit Stop to shop, go on field trips when they are available and manage items with the new storage locker (More on that below). I have future plans for another big, brand new feature here as well, but until I've tested it and determined that it's actually a good idea it will remain top secret!

Johnny's store is now a room that maintains the style and functionality of the shop you're familiar with. Since it's an actual room now, it will also be able to appear in levels! I mainly intend to spawn it in endless mode so that you'll have somewhere to spend YTPs, however I'm also going to experiment with having the store appear in Hide & Seek levels.

Field trips will take place here now as well! After considering the changes I already had planned for field trips alongside feedback regarding how they currently work, I came to the conclusion that they would work better in The Pit Stop than in the middle of levels, since they break the pacing of Hide & Seek too much.

Unfortunately I don't think the new field trips will be ready in time for 0.6, so it will not have any. I removed the current camping minigame to clear the way for the new field trip system, so if you want to keep a version of the game that has that minigame now's the time to make a backup copy of the current version! My plan is to have field trips return in 0.7. Here's a teaser for that!

Then there's the storage locker! This big green locker appears in The Pit Stop and is also guaranteed to appear somewhere in every level. You can place items inside to store them for later, and the contents will carry over from level to level so you can stow away the best items for when you need them most. As with your inventory, the contents of the locker are saved every time you start a level, and will revert to the saved state whenever a life is lost.

Lastly, there's an exit which you can use to save and quit, replacing the save and quit button in the elevator.

Aside from the pit stop and related changes, I've worked on a handful of smaller things, like some improvements to the HUD and optimizations to the lighting system which will finally allow lighting to respond to changes in the level layout (Meaning light will now pass through portal posters for example). There's also a new structure I'd like to work on soon! If I have time I'll try squeezing it in, but it's one of those things that could take a few hours to several days to finish.

I think that's all I want to share right now! I'll let you all know when I've pinned down a solid release date for 0.6 and its pre-release. Until then I'll be busy getting this update ready to go!




Next up

Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered is available now! Play it for free!

Verson 0.7.1 is available now!

Version 0.9 is available now!

Version 0.7 Status Update

Celebrate the 3-year anniversary of Baldi's Basics with a presentation by the game's developer featuring a few surprises and a status update on the development of Baldi's Basics Plus!

March 31, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST


Baldi's Basics Plus version 0.5 is on its way! + New ANGRY Baldi Plushie!

Version 0.7 is available now! + New Dr. Reflex Plushie!

Version 0.8 is available now! + New Principal Plushie!

Version 0.6 is available now!

Version 0.4 is out now! PLUS, a 40% off sale!