Cabin Fever 2: The End
9 months ago

Version 1.0.8

Fixed a major bug where equiping the Golden Remote would make you equip the Contest Remote (OOPS!)



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Before holidays break ends i had to grind like never before, my point still stands this is my new favorite Sonic game.

Peach has come in a hurry to warn us about a dangerous predicament: CABIN FEVER 2: THE END HAS REACHED 100% COMPLETION AND SOON BETA TESTING WILL BEGIN.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )

Updated the screenshot for the Exploration segments.

cabin fever the end becomes real

Maybe some haven't caught on,

Five Shows at Wario's: Director's Cut is coming to mobile devices, eventually!

For now, however, you are not allowed to enter the Theatre.

How it feels to have absolutely nothing for funny jolly day.