List of documented changes:
The Restrained's mechanic has been altered, it's no longer an insta-kill when it is summoned.
A glitch where the Paradox can appear after putting your monitor up and down once Fantasy Jolly enters the bedroom has been fixed.
Golden Freddy's AI has been fixed.
Dipsy 2.0 is no longer a pain in the butt to deal with.
A new skin has been added.
Three power-ups are added, with the tutorial book being updated to reflect their addition to the game.
Five cutscenes were added, and can be found at different points in the game.
The Ultrastigma will now only appear when all 35 customisable enemies are at 20 AI, in other words, he only shows up in All-Max Mode now.
A boss battle has been added against a particular cartoon villain (or some form of him), and can be accessed after beating All-Max Mode. It has a sort of connection to the series One Jolly Day: Alteration Revision.
If there are any glitches or bugs found, I'll be sure to fix them in a patch update.