AI won't see you instantly now
AI will now show an indicator for when it sees you (it can be turned off)
AI can no longer hear your flashlight
AI will no longer hear you opening the opposite office door that they never banged on
AI will no longer run back to the point it lost you at
Fixed a few bugs in the AI
Reduced the range of the running footsteps and the door opening/closing sound
Fredbear can now give up after banging on your doors, but later than everyone else
Fredbear should no longer be able to check more than 5 rooms
Spring Freddy won't search for you after running to the point he heard you at
Updated the way Spring Freddy chooses new points
Tweaked one of Plushtrap's parts of his AI that makes him wait longer if he sees you
Plushtrap will no longer try to avoid your flashlight if you're very far away
The game will now fade later when you die to Plushtrap
Updated the map
The player can now lean further
Updated the tips
Increased the attenuation radius of the animatronics' walking footsteps
Tweaked the sound occlusion of the animatronics' footsteps
Added an objectives list to the introduction
Increased the volume of the phone calls
Changed the default chromatic aberration effect to a smoother one
Fixed the Get Dodged trophy being achievable when the player is dead
Fixed the animatronics leaning down to go through a door when they are too far from it
Added an option in the settings (specifically in the tab "Other") to reset your progress completely
Fixed weird lighting bugs on some walls
Added a trigger that starts the first call on the introduction
Tweaked the post processing effects for the door death
Custom Night now takes place on 12th September instead of 7th June
Next up
3 years... where is the game?
Here's a few more screenshots of what the game looks like now
not dead
Back working on TNaF: ND
I AM A 5 YEAR OLD TODAY #spawnday
New version/full game is out now!
Thank you everyone for 500 followers!!!