Version 1.2.0 of Lord of the Aisle is now available.

Many optimizations to the physics as well as the rendering. It should perform much more smoothly than before.
The smite now produces a subtle screen shake effect.
Some of the levels have been adjusted for better balance.
For advanced players, you can hold down shift while moving to make the old man walk backwards. I’ll leave this for advanced players because it is usually more detrimental than helpful, but some of you may be able to take advantage of it.
During the waves, you can press the “F” key to toggle on and off the Frames Per Second (FPS) meter if you want to see the FPS. For the webplayer it is limited to a max of 60 fps. For the Windows/Mac version, this is limited to your screen’s refresh rate for the selected resolution (usually 60 or 30), due to vsync.
BONUS: For reading this far, you get an extra cheat - you can skip to the next level by using the forward slash (/) key.