Don't Scare Me I'm Scared Archive (2016 - 2020)
3 months ago

Version 1.4

  • Launcher:

    • Added a settings button, giving you the ability to change each game's settings through the launcher, aside from Project: Anxiety due to how it treats settings. 😥

    • All games aside from 3 Episode 1 and Project: Anxiety were made unpacked, preventing AVs from falsely flagging the games.

  • DSMIS 1 Original:

    • Now runs on Direct3D 11, giving better performance and reduced load times.

    • Optimizations.

    • Some minor bug fixes.

    • Been a long time coming, the game has an icon now.

    • Fixed player movement in the free roam section.

    • Shadow Creeper now throws you to the game over screen instead of straight up closing the game.

    • Nerfed AI.

    • Fixed some visual bugs.

    • Cameras don't glitch out if multiple characters are in the same room.

    • Reduced ambient noises.

    • Found items are now written into the INI instead of creating separate files for each item. (You will have to re-collect them if you ever collected an item)

    • Made items in the free roam section more apparent and functional, they were for some reason really unfinished.

    • You can skip the free roam section when you're in the office.

    • Removed a skip keybind in the free roam section.

    • You can skip the night intro screen by pressing the left mouse button.

    • Pressing Escape during gameplay throws you to the title screen.

    • Removed night 5 and 6 credits.

    • Removed a rather interesting 8bit minigame. (I had no idea what it was referencing when I was 11.)

  • DSMIS 2 Original:

    • Now runs on Direct3D 11, giving better performance and reduced load times.

    • Optimizations.

    • Fixed grammar errors in the new game intro.

    • Shortened night lengths.

    • Reduced ambient noises.

    • Brought back an unused feature where you walk up to locations on other nights.

    • Fixed janky scrolling in night 1 control module.

    • Upgraded some visual effects.

    • Added a toxic meter (true DSMIS 2 way) on night 3 when you're hiding under the table and night 5 when hiding inside a closet.

    • Fixed player movement on night 5.

    • Pressing Escape during gameplay throws you to the title screen.

    • You no longer can move the cursor out of the screen while having cameras opened on night 6.

    • Jumpscares are now in extras instead of having a separate screen for them.

    • Cut some unnecessary frames. (such as extras loading and leaving screens)

    • Removed night 5 and 6 credits.

    • Fixed pink slip screens.

  • DSMIS 2 R:

    • Removed custom cursor due to Direct3D 11 visual glitches.

  • DSMIS 2 R Major Update:

    • Endless Mode now has guest scoring, so you don't need to be logged in with Game Jolt in order to play it.

  • DSMIS 3 EP 2:

    • Removed Discord invite button.


    • Optimizations.

    • You no longer can move the cursor out of the screen while having cameras opened.

    • Removed Discord invite button.

  • Source Codes:

    • Source code downloads for DSMIS 1 and 2 Original were updated as well.

    • DSMIS3R source code was released, not much is there but it's still pretty interesting to look at.

Have this never before seen map screenshot of DSMIS3R. (Yes, this is all that was done for the map.)


This was going to be Enderman's stage, all I remember is that you'd be able to see him crawl up the cage.

DSMIS3R had the potential to be the best DSMIS game. Would I ever return to this in the future? Most likely not.

now play the games again @Robamao




Next up

me after finding out i'm working on 5 bg11 projects at the same time

welcome to 2017

DSMIS 2 Original released 8 years ago today! (January 22nd 2017)


Special thanks to my top January supporters!

@pumpandskid123 , @lahanz, @PelonyGamer1

Project: Birdy Definitive Edition Out Now

Project Birdy, Part 2

Project Birdy, Part 3

Project Birdy, Part 4

Project Birdy

The DSMIS series has been put together in one place.

Have to fulfill a promise I made 9 months ago... COMING SOON