So, after a short break from SpongeBound, I decided to update the game a little and fix / change a few things.
Patch Notes!:
Changed the HP Bars to a slim red version and the PP bars became a slim blue version. The TP Bars are now Green.
The battle UI is now a bit different.
Changed the Menu Design, with the options including icons.
Experience Points can now be seen on the menu without having to open the Status portion.
The Stats in the Status portion of the menu screen are now portrayed as bars that fill as your stats increase.
You can now see your Playtime on the menu screen.
You can't change the menu colors anymore... :(
Washed out Specter's mouth with soap for cursing.
The menu actually remembers what your cursor was last on!
And that's it for now. Happy holidays, everyone! I'll be gone for a while since I'm now working on UNASB more, but I'll make sure to keep everyone updating!