Changed default resolution to 1280x720
When changing music volume, track doesn’t reset
Exiting game with Escape now brings up a prompt before quitting
You can no longer enter escape as a valid rebind key
Escape cancels rebinding alongside backspace
Exit prompt not called when setting controls, or during game countdown
Platfrms > Platforms on levels side
Last entered Tag is now saved when you exit/start the game
When starting a level, countdown begins after clicking ready
Restarting mid-level now has normal 10 second countdown with skip
Countdown now has text showing you can speed countdown with any key
Countdown number moved downwards
Game crosshair UI has been moved away a little to be less intrusive
Increase vertical aim range a lot
Target weight increased slightly to reduce rocket-propelled launches into the atmosphere
Level side on the menu now allows selection of single level from entire list when clicking on number, allowing for quick selection of all levels rather than clicking through them
Leaderboard now has legend for rank colours
Leaderboard now shows normal time, and time with penalty above ranks