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Version 2.0.7 patch notes: Hopefully the last patch.
DARK DECEPTION RETAIL RAMPAGE IS OFFICIALLY OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!! even tho it's not that good but whatever
Got myself a new pfp. Made using Blender.
The Ominous Overhaul update is finally OUT. Go play it right now! Here's a HUGE changelog with not all but most changes. The old version of the game will still be available for download btw Cheers!
New Retail Rampage zone 3 trap because the freezing vents sucked and were broken. Behold! The icicles. Don't get underneath them though as it's hard to run with a gaping hole in your head ;)
Your gift is here but it won't be easy to get.
New update coming soon ;)
Another patch :DD
Retail Rampage NEW ring altar room screenshots. Lookin' real good.