Echo - Our Voice
7 years ago

Version 2.0.4 is up

Hello all!

This time we fixed a lot of dialogue in English and Japanese.
Thanks for Akemi Homura and snowstar -yuki-.
This patch change the data to “Echo Demo”.
Please use this new EXE to play the game.

What’s New in Echo 2.0.4


  1. Mini game fail much time can use skip.

  2. Roger’s ordinary attack adds moving.

  3. Some maps in Glowingmine passage.

  4. Opening’s decoding.

Bug Fixes

  1. Glowingmine passage of place’s name is not disappear.

  2. In Japanese and English dialogue was amended by mistake.

  3. When switching roles, the buff and debuff anime is not refreshed.

  4. The Control page can turn the page.

  5. Use Lin’s notebook to challenge boss. During the fighting if you change the equip.It will be something wrong after fighting.

  6. Boss have wrong movement.

  7. In Glowingmine passage, end if you fall.You will fall until die.



Next up

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