Event changes:
Sonic in Sunset Hills gets hit in spikes 2 times. (The first time it causes him to loose his rings and fail the jump, the second time he dies)
Tails in Forest Zone gets hit with a red illusion sphere instead of a spike (also now it isn't a cutscene frame but a part of the stage)
Level changes:
Replaced Chemical Plant Zone and sprites with "Emerald Paradise Zone"
Replaced "ANGEL ISLAND" sprites with some other Forest sprites (in both stages)
Replaced "Ivo's base" sprites with some other ones
Added an invisible wall in the right edge of "Cursed Forest" stage, so you don't get off-frame
Slightly nerfed Cursed Forest by removing a couple of spikes + Changed the purple spheres' sprites with better ones
Fixed a bug while pressing "S" as Robotnik (it activates the falling animation and doesn't allow you to do anything else than move left and right. It is a missing code in the engine and has to do with Shadow's abilities.)
Created a custom falling sprite for SATAM SONIC which Replaced the modgen one
Minor changes etc.