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November Progress update Whats new? Save and Load function, maps, levels and more levels! *Full Devlog:*
Holidays Update Yeah, its the holidays, this means we can work on the game non-stop! Here are some screenshots: *Full Devlog:*
New years update
Cut content: Levels
Version 2.0 is Live!! Huge amount of small changes that will make the game more fun. Its the best time to try out miniDoom2! For a full list of changes check out the devlog here:
Cut content: Weapons I wanted to do a few blog posts about the things that didn’t make it into the game because of time or other reasons. The first topic is WEAPONS. *Full devlog:*
Starting Levels
miniDoom2 turns 2 years old next week. It’s been around for a while... but it’s not eternal... yet. We’ll be releasing patch 3.0 next week, the final patch. It will have some surprises!
Weekly Progress Update 15/12/17 Getting stuff done each week, this time we won’t stop for the holidays! *Full Devlog:*
2018 Update