Fredbear's Dinner
6 years ago

Version 4.3 is out!!!!

Whats new:

-Fixed screen gets black if you click Control shock

-Improved the glitch effect in main menu and in the camera

-Removed the oxygen Mechanic from the game

-Temperatur mechanic new in the game

-If an animatronic is in the near from you, you will hear a sound play



Next up

I am thinking about to make a new page for the game, i will post more informations later

Modification system in progress

Today I finished the Maintance panel. Now I am working at the camera system and the A.I. Tomorrow more news

Update 4.1 is coming!!!

Special thanks to TheWeirdHipister His Deviantart:…

So the menu is finished

New update for the beta version is coming!!!

in progress
