Chester's Pizzeria

4 years ago

Very important news๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ› ๐Ÿ› 

(Do not judge the model, it is in a very early phase and it still lacks many details, if you have a suggestion, comment it!)

As you can see the models are being renewed!!

The truth is I was not happy with the old models and the game has gone through many phases, however, as you have seen in the previous photo, the models are being remodeled, perhaps in that photo they will look simple but I promise you that when they are Textured will be a great wonder !!!!

What do you think of the new model?

PD: Here are some photos of some old models (Yes, they SUCK!)


That's it for now, thanks for reading and supporting the game!

1 comment


Next up

New OC

PD: Thanks life! You took my best friend from me and put her as a girlfriend with my friend.

I have been testing some textures and I think this looks good, there are still many details missing and it may not be the final design but for now I stay like this


Well, I think that jaw fits him well, this will be the last WIP for now since uploading so many advances would ruin the experience, I want the model to be kept secret. Until further notice-Bye!

Rat Race Production Update

Testing with more realistic textures

PS: and improving the lighting xdxdxd

Texture test 1.0, i will probably change it


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

i really love roblox