The terrible news is that SNaC has a possibility to be canceled. I am very sorry. Here are the reasons why:
~ I don’t have all the images I need for the game
~ I don’t have all the nessasery sounds and noises
~ I simply don’t know how to code that well
~ loosing interest (love how I get Minecraft, I finally loose interest after I have a burning passion for it for 3 years straight)
~ The story is WAY to big now and not enought time to make it all
~ new ideas everyday
~ other fangame ideas are taking up my time
~ +more
Unless I get help from people SNaC will possibly be totally kaput (or in other words, canceled)
If this gets enough attention I will keep development going. If it gets zero attention the I will cancel it, and post the WHOLE story on my DeviantART.
Thank you for reading.