The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy
10 months ago

(#Video18 - Created on: Feb. 25th, 2024 - March 6th, 2024) - Well guys, it's FINALLY here!!!! Good morning by the way!!! Anyways, the #18thJJSVideo is here and it has something inside of there that's VERY FIMIIULAR!!!!!!

This video nearly took like many days to create here!!! From February to March of 2024, and this video was worth the weight from creating it and everything!!!!!!! Anyways, this #18th Jax Justun Studios Video's something very special and quite interesting in the slightest here!!!! It shows only THREE of the Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios from the first series alone!!!!!

Which these are just only Haxx Hustun Studios Parody Characters Numbers #1, #2, and #6!!!!!!!! We have "Chess Greece" the first and ever Parody Mascot that Haxx Hustun Studios had ever made........Then there's "Deathf Fun Snake" or better known as “DeathfSnake” for short (which he's the second Parody Mascot that ever made for only Haxx Hustun Studios themselves). And finally's the first and ever big Parody Mascot that was ever from HHS themselves in of course known as "Mr. Dynamtapus" and he's been in his newest development cycle since February 25th, 2024!!!!!!

And of course, all of the dates that these only THREE HHS Parody Characters that were created on will be shown off inside of this video only as well!!!! With alongside of some bonus contents!!! Like the Logo for Haxx Hustun Studios, the 1st color background, and of course, the Banner Poster Shrine of All Parody Mascots of (HHS) Haxx Hustun Studios as well!!!!!

Well guys, enjoy the show as always folks!!!! This took nearly like a full total of 10 Calendar Days from making each bits of this video right here!!!!! Anyways, have a nice safe day everybody!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!!!!! #TheHHSParodyCharactersAre #FinallyHereAtLongLast!!!!!!!!!!!


Real/Official Song Used in this #18thVideo!!!!

Name of Song: Anything Can Go - Created By: CG5, Djsmell, and Kathy-Chan

Link to Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKYAR93A8po

(This song was a gem to hear and play like so many times while I was designing these three Parody Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! Speaking of which, last year and even as of today, I've been watching the PILOT Episode for The Amazing Digital Circus since it came out last year in 2023!!! And of course, this amazing sing was the perfect one to be put inside of this #18thJJSVideo for today here in March of 2024!!!!!!!)


-So yeah guys, THX for watching our beloved show for today!!! Come back next time for our next act inside for our #19thJJSVideo!!!!!!! I love you guys!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!!!

Oh, and by the way, this #18thVideo here (including some of my past ones) had gotten cut-off and everything!!! There were supposed to be more ending-ness in this video.......But, I didn't say nothing about this stuff here......I'd just leaved it as it is here.........Anyways, once more, have a nice and safe day and see you all next time everybody!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Character #17 - Neo Agent 3 "Nieag" (Version #2) - From Splatoon 3 (Created on: Aug. 9th, 2024 - Sept. 15th, 2024) After nearly two months of development, she's finally been created!!!!

2019 Parody Character #14 - Mr. Stappular (Created on: February 5th, 2024) This right here's none other then "Mr. Naustcer Starr"!!!! Wait a minute??? This is robotic-like Samurai Pig that we're talking here??? How's he a star??? OH!!!!! Too soon?????

JJS Parody Depictions #20 & #21 (For The Glruopp Tropp Brothers) - Both Created on: December 21st, 2024 It's now been December 21st, 2024, and we here at Napature Science have two brand new #JJSparodyDepictions for the "The Glruopp Tropp Brothers"!!!!!!!!

#Joltober 2024 has come to an end so we wanted to show off some of the art posted by your fellow Jolters.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's challenge!

(Check the article to links to the original posts so you can give 'em a like!)

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #1 - Drishing "Drish" (Created on: March 29th, 2024) Hello everybody!!!! It's been a hot minute since our last Episode of the Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!!

be prepared

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #34 - Bethawney Hetheneey Crystal Ender Dragon (BHCED) - Crystal Dragon What in the world Draxx Dustun Studios and NarchGraites Pictures??? You're already given/sharing/showing us your next #DDSparodyCameoMascot already????

Jax Justun Studios Video #47 - (Created on: December 15th, 2024) Well, Minecraftia Studios are still around you guys!!! They're having their vacations at their homes and at the studios!!!! Isn't that crazy!!!!!

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #5 - Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or (DooseEye BirdMcCaw) (Created on: May 2nd, 2024) It's been too long now folks!!!! It has been a whole year now since we'd made the last #HHSChroniclesEpisode here!!!!!!