Five Nights at Treasure Island (Official)
4 years ago

Viruses, lions, and bears, oh my!

There has been a huge scare over our recent release surprisingly. According to a good portion of our players, antivirus software has been detecting FNaTI and TWGMS to be a trojan, keylogger, and so much more. To keep things short, we can promise you that they are not. These detections are false positives.

As of recent, there has been a huge problem with ClickTeam made games being detected and deleted as these things. Why? Well, we, as well as many other fangame developers don't know. From what I have been told this is a problem on ClickTeam's end and they are actively looking into it.
For more info, we highly recommend you all read Kane Carters Twitter PSA on the topic here!

Please refrain from spamming our comments about this issue, and especially DO NOT SPAM OUR COMMUNITY PAGE. Thank you, everyone. See you some other time!




Next up

Oblitus Casa - Daisy Duck

As per poll results, we have made a sticker pack for FNaTI 2020! (unfortunately) Get them before the month is over!

sloop john b at maximum power

An update on the Android port (3/26/21)

work in progress

After release Q&A - 1/20/2021 (CLOSED)

Oblitus Casa - No Longer a Nightmare

Happy (late) Valentines day everyone!