okay, I managed to find some time to record a new video, showing some stuff from:
-Vision: Almost done, with his density control system
-Hawkeye: Arrow system
-Beast: some new grabs and aerial super
-Hulk: No invencible armor anymore (still super armor), new special
-War Machine: fly mode, Gatling gun.
-Iron Man: Fly mode
See the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWXxG2j_wfU
I am aware of that the bios got covered by the char name. I will modify the image, since it seams that you can’t put anything over the char name (this is a suggestion to the OpenBOR coders).
Since I am very busy, I dunno if I can release this beta until the end of the year, I am sorry. But in January, we can expect a beta, for sure.