Jolly and the lost ones (Unofficial) (Cancelled)
4 years ago

Voice Actors

Prototype Jolly: @GeraldPlays1

Prototype Tweetie: ???

Prototype George: @ModifiedHat

Prototype Maxie: ???

Prototype Wendy: ???

Prototype Crimson: ???

Ignited Facecrush: ???

Pawonette: ???

Golden Toy Chica: @ModifiedHat

Doom Kiddo: ???

Kyle: @ModifiedHat

Anna: ???

Wengo the Wasp: ???

Withered Gapejaws: @ChIcKeNrOaStErS

Withered Marionette: ???

Withered Mangle: ???

Funtime Withered Bonnie: ???

Funtime Withered Chica: ???



Next up

Gameplay teaser

Funtime Freddy

@Diablada yell (Why did i even rather making this)

Shizpost Status

Nacho Buzz

Withered Tweetie in my version

It's good to see you where you finally belong

Not this again