11 months ago

Void GF and Void BF

Void BF and Void GF are two mobians created by a corrupted file from the VS Sonic.EXE after they got corrupted BF and GF managed to escape the mod but they are now trapped inside the same bootleg copy of Sonic colors witch is the same game where Coloris is also stuck in both Void BF and Void GF are both nice towards Coloris and Void GF even acts like a second mother for Coloris

Void GF can creat shoke waves while Void BF can creat tentacules they are both considered to be either 18 or 21



Next up

Meet Shid and Pomp

Colorful Trauma

Pixel stuff

Friday Night Funkin'.


Naisonji !

Dear god it took me alot of editing doing dis pose BUT NOW I CAN SHOOT ASSES