Finaly! After four months in development i can present you playable build of Void Raiders. Dont waste your time, evil minions of Void corporation are allready waiting to be anihilated!
It was a busy week, and i spent it by reworking menu interface to be more intiuitive and minimalistic, reducing number of “clicks” you have to make till you got in to the game to half. Lone Invader Inn is now populated with additional characters as well, but unfortunately you wont be able to play as them for now, but at least you know what you can expect in following versions.
Yes, im planning to approach development as open as possible and there ll be frequent new releases of the game every time i ll add new content, be it new playable character or new mission.
Boris the gunzerker This build contains one playable character. Boris is old drunkard/chainsmoker armed with heavy machine gun. He is first, and probably simplest and straightforward character to play in Void Raiders. You can spec him in various different ways to fit your play style. Do you like brawling while not worrying about taking some hits? Go down the brawler tree, get yourself exosuit and typhoon missile launcher for devastating AOE missile attack.

Do you favor damage output over anything? Commando branch is here just for you, with gun drone companion and twin linked rapid fire you ll be able to fill whole screen with bullets anytime.
Feedback Please let me know if you like the game, but especialy if you feel disappointed or you think the game is crap, as its the only way we can make this game better!
With regards