Void sans but more like dustcord but more dustrust but its UTsans
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Mike idea:This is mikenetic,is like tenna but a parody showing tenna is bad to help spamton.He is a secret boss if you make he seem as a good guy on his show making him insane and wanting to kill you.Continue reading here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ROTtm_YaZPVZ18dqYig5M8QDpG5g…
I maked these sanses with this scratch game and photoshop(a bit of sans is of my family)I will make sanses of my aus soon:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/308250067/
My first mikenetic edit.I removed the three floating magnets for reasons you will se later.If you think it is bad,I agree with you it is not pixel but I will use this version to do it since its less detailed and later add the details
I did the pixelated version of mikenetic I will also say that there is a rumor of mikenetic that says if you see his program,he will absorb your memories(I wont confirm if it is real or not)
Pinturillo normal draw
I founded how to draw this on tik tok
Imagine a roblox song and all the lyrics are this
void sans