Development on the game is moving forward steadily. It’s been a lot of work setting up the mechanics and overall foundation of the game, but I’m finally nearing the good parts — death traps.
The core of the game, intentionally pushed back towards late in development so I could ensure the overall play loop was up to snuff. Currently, 5 deathtraps are functional in the game: buzz saw, bear trap, meat grinder, horizontal chest cutting blades of death and the guillotine. While all at various stages of completion, their core functions are established and they are scattered around the island for the player ( and enemies ) to use.
I’m going to be setting up the following poll to see which death traps sound most appealing to followers, and the results will have a direct influence on what makes the final cut. I’m not promising every option will appear, just want to get a feel for what players would like to see. So with that in mind, take a moment to make a selection if you got the time, and help influence the final product of Voodoocide!
To vote on the poll, go to the game page here:
And to see the latest video of the game and the previously mentioned traps in action, check this link here:
Note: Poll closes in 1 week from today