I wanted to make this because 6 months ago *before* i've been exposed, i made an week list of chapter 1 just to show you the songs and weeks being finished.
Ok let's start the list now:
This entire story begins with the events after Lunatic Splitathon. While they have runned away from the explosion that happend earlier, they find shelter but Bambi runs to check on the Lunatic Family house to see if it was okay, and however, the grenade stopped working and Bambi was RELIEVED. So that way Bambi comes back to the sixtiple and run to find an shelter, and then they stay in there for an while. One day later, everything was okay and everything was back to normal. So that way Larry has decided to go for an walk, until he finds an picture of an brand new place called "Youtuber Moderating Kingdom" and it's located somewhere in the Opal City. Then Lunatic Dad has decided to plan a trip to an opal hotel for tomorrow. One day later, Larry wakes up in a morning, realizing that today is the day. He decided to call BF, GF, Pico, Bambi, Dave and Bombu that they gotta get packed because today is their trip to an Opal City. The 6 of them visit the Lunatic Family and then begin the trip. But before they do that, they'll sing an song for the trip.
Week 0: Gettin' Ready for an Opal Hotel Trip
Prolouge for Week 1:
After they're done singing, they now get ready for the trip. Until suddently, an digitai bus is stopped just in time. The 7 of them put their bags at the back and then the trip begins. The gas was over 99999% so that means it will be an good plan to take a 5 hour long ride. At first, they go shopping for lots of food and drinks for the trip. And then they go back to the bus and then the ride continued. 3 hours later, Dave starts being worried about Tristan cuz he left him alone, but Dave made sure to call an babysitter for Tristan before Dave left to the trip for Tristan to be safe with an babysitter. Tristan's babysitter was nice. The babysitter was Gloria [the one from Safe Space] and she'll make sure that Tristan will be taken care of. 5 hours later, 7 of them arrive to the hotel, known to be an apartment, they go to "Room 278" that's located in the third floor. This room has over 7 bedrooms, a kitchen, an living room. 7 of them find a spot for an room, while they leave their stuffs and go to McDonald's for dinner. One day later, Bambi then prepares an breakfast for everyone to eat because he makes very good food from Larry's. Then after they eat breakfast, Bambi, BF and GF go on a playhouse to have fun in there, then while later, it was lunch time, so Bambi has no idea what to cook so instead they go shopping for some delicious lunch. After they we're done eating. Today it was the day. All 7 of them get ready for an trip "Youtuber Moderating Kingdom". This is where Week 1 begins. 7 of them find two doors, the good side, and the evil side. BF, GF, and Dave vote the good side, while Larry, Pico, Bombu and Bambi just..... vote the evil side. And then the votes we're finished and now it begins.
Best Friends Forever [Depression Happy Ending]
Epilouge for Week 1:
After the first week, they we're supposed to go to an OCathon, but however, Lucas actually told them that tfmr characters are banned, so they can't be going in there anymore because of this. Instead they have to go the diffrent realms of the kingdom because of this. However, he even said that Prism will follow GF, and Arcanum will follow Dave.
Epilouge for Week 2:
Just after the second week, Quincy gives an request to find an piece for an giant door. BF, GF, and Dave are very confused but Quincy paints an piece for an giant door they have to unlock. He tells them that it is somewhere around the Opal Park, so BF, GF, and Dave accepted his offer and look for the piece, it took them a minimum 10 minutes to find it. It was quite hard to find but they found it and get back to that giant door. And after they put the first piece in, and now they have to find the second piece, but however, BF, GF, and Dave realize that they're in a good zone place, so it's impossible for them to get to the bad zone place.
Prolouge for Week 3:
Now to Pico, Larry, Bambi and Bombu. They kept searching Lunatic Dave to be defeated. However, they are spotted into a door. Pico gets confused on what will it be. When he tries to open it, Bombu yelled to NOT open that door, cuz if Pico does, he's cooked. But then Pico doesn't give a shit about that and opens the door and leads forward. And now the trio are now shocked, about to see him killed. While Pico was in the darkness for a few seconds, the light opens up and they we're lots of dead bodies, and he was spotted by a guy with a saw. Does Bad Things Guy. He has finally returned to the 22nd time.
Prolouge for Meal Monstrosity:
After Pico killed DBTG, he espaces and runs to the trio back. Bambi said that Bombu told him already to not go in that door, or else he will be killed. Now to Bombu. When Bombu walks somewhere to find Lunatic Dave, an tv monitor turns on with an static for 10 seconds. 10 seconds later, the screen changes to Bamburg showen in the security camera, hanging on the walls, he told Bombu that he has to save him or else he'll be killed by Lunatic Dave. However, when Bombu kept talking with Bamburg, an evil side version of Bamburg suddently crashes in and DESTROYS the tv monitor with his deadly burgers. When Bambi and Larry hide on the security office, Larry DEMENTS Bambi to keep an eye on the cameras to see what is Lunatic Dave up to, especially Evil Bombu because he's planning to kidnap Bombu.
Prolouge for Exploitory:
After that song, Bombai kicks Evil Bamburg on his chest with full power and runs away to that spot in the manor. However when he tried to find the another area that leads to a door to piece, Expunged immiedately stops him, which is also shown in his Patronizing Form. Bombai gets furious and tries to beat him up but Expunged dodges many times, and it results on Bombai to give up, and just starts a fight with an rap battle.
Prolouge for Dreaded Destination:
And just after Bombu escaped from Expunged, he runs away from the manor and literally finds the hotel and packs his stuff. Lunatic Dave is literally possesing the Opal City. Both Larry and Bambi kept running and running but then Evil Bamburg on his Expunged Form STOPS them, this time he gets cornerned by Conbi Y and Fallen Conbi. Bambi and Larry should be managed to stop them immediately.
Prolouge for Week 4:
After they defeated them, they got knocked out uncossious, and then they find the last piece. Bambi and Larry pick them up but then suddently an alarm goes on and the trio wake up and chase them. When they arrive at the exit to the manor, they locked the door completly. And then after that, the quadruple find BF, GF, and Dave in there. And then they place the 2nd piece, and then..... the lunatic door opens up again.. however, it's not Lunatic Dave's Laboratory... it was actually an secure garage.... and then Bambi then gets in.... but then the lunatic door closes shut, and it gets locked. However, the only for Bambi to escape, is the 50+ minute long battle. However, BF, GF, Pico, Dave, Bombu and Larry have to pack their stuff and leave the city because the city was possesed by Lunatic Dave, while Pico packs Bambi's Stuff.
Epilouge for Week 4:
After Bambi finishes a final solo, he jumps into the portal that leads to the exit of the Opal City with the car and the stuff that the 6 of them packed. And then they leave the city and never come back again. And then the story ends...