missing parts (dale/blue dude vs pandy then felix then tony then bubbles)
monster (dale vs dragon bones then dale puts on a drogon suit)
enternal phobia (ghost pandy then bubbles then tony then jelly jessica then bn bubbles and jj then aac then all ghosts)
foniasophobia (daletrap)
my brain is hurting (ghost barry banana then ghost jj joins)
calymation (clay pandy then clay felix then clay pile)
not fake (cattrap vs ghost felix)
i will slap you (old bubbles vs new felix)
pancakes (candice the cat and dale the dragon vs daletrap)
weedtrap (weedtrap)
mendo insaneo (mendo-01 then mendo-02 then ultra mando)
dadley (dale vs d-sdie daddy deriest)
broken code (shadow felix vs 8-bit jj,nb bubbles,new tony,dale then dragon bones vs a innocent soul)
shadow meltdown (shadow pandy and shadow felix)