3 years ago

Vydal jsem pokračování hry Heartlive Maze.

Spousta nových bludišť.

Spousta nových herních prvků.

Jinými slovy, pokud se vám líbil původní Heartlive Maze, určitě si užijete i toto pokračování.



Next up

What have I created again...

Well, happy April Fools day everyone!


I just released my new game.

This time it's a short Touhou fan game in which we look at one very strange adventure of Lady Yuuka Kazami.


I released the sequel to Heartlive Maze.

Lots of new mazes.

Lots of new gameplay features.

In other words, if you enjoyed the original Heartlive Maze, you'll enjoy this sequel for sure.


I just released my new game.

This time it is a complete remake of my two older games, The Christmas and Memories.


I just released a new game.

This time it tells a story about the terrible fate of the hero Tresed and his small town.


I just released a new game.

This time it tells the story of three investigative reporters who decide to solve the mystery of a mysterious forest mansion.


I just released a new game.

This time the story tells about three angels who have been sent to the inhospitable underworld to thwart the plans of Mago, the monster from the Underworld of Magic and Transfiguration.


I have just released a new version of my game Magic Panic. I've added some new enemies new locations, a few visual tweaks and, most importantly, an epilogue.


Final installation in the New Year series
