5 months ago


Like the FNAS endos, I tried my hand at designing a FNAS styled Wario. Gonna do a quick timeline like last time so here it goes.

So, this one's gonna be a lot shorter this time. Once a upon a time Ian played Pictochat and drew Peppino and Wario


And uhh yeah. He drew Wario and Ian really just doesn't draw Mario stuff anymore so him doing that is pretty gamer. But also he mentioned Wario a few times for FNAS, never actually specified for what. Y'know Ian, he never really had concrete ideas unless you saw it in the game or it mentioned in the files and such. Then I was like, oh, this would be cool to do a drawing of. I asked a friend for the image and then I drew this.


This is how to not draw FNAS. Basically I tried to stick as close to the Pictochat as I could which resulted in a bit of an abomination. But it had promise.


And then this one was born, took a little time refining but this is basically it. Had to fix the straps and colors and a bunch of other things, but this was basically it, a FNAS styled Wario using the Pictochat image as a basis but applying regular Ian stuff rather than the quick and easy we saw in the Pictochat image. And yeah... that's kind of it.



Next up

The FNaS Endos: So I tried my hand at designing the toys' endos (Except for Taingle's full body, 'cause it's a mess. Also Luiginette, 'cause he's in limbo if he's a clone, a robot or a puppet. And I ain't gonna guess. Without a further apu, the article.

#MarioMovie made a shitty dk picture for this single quest


Wendys Springtrap

be prepared

I posted about 4 months on the fnaf community since there wasn't one so ill just put the quick verison of what i said here: https://gamejolt.com/p/so-i-thought-the-phantoms-designs-for-3-w… Though the redesign of the fnatkk guys in 3 was too far and combined accuracy with the actual fnatkk design

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 12: @Fredinator is a great Creator who is a game dev that works on FNaF fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

I just want the stickers


#EasterAtFreddys fat alberto bonnie!?!?!

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)

The Develocation Animatronics: Another set of designs, but not a very usual cast of characters. This time I tried my hand at turning someone else's designs into more Ian-like designs. No timeline this time but I will talk about the designs anyhow.