11 months ago
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I guess that's my favourite post rn. It took something around 2 months, cuz' i'm lazy)
Maybe someday, there will be a new post on my page...
Kaeya Alberich. I don't know if i should do some posts next... i'm not very glad with numbers on the last few posts. But I have a lot to post so...
GENOS! I like it pretty much. I think that's because i made outline twice.
Looks awesome!
The fuck is this like amount under the profile pic? Are you fucking insane or is this some sorta bug?
SWORDMAN! Or how this guy called. It doesn't matter, cuz he's here!
"Zipping Rain"
You still waiting?
Dayum, here some spoilers: 🤥🍕🗼
Tf is that?
How did you hit that much likes?
Gamejolt doesn't like me. So here's the repost.