Monster World IV Regenesis

3 years ago

Waiting for SAGE 2022 approval! This will be the first Wonder Boy project to be featured at the expo! :D



Next up

An expanded demo has dropped with seven new abilities. This includes...

Magical Hit







A Monster World IV 30th anniversary piece of Asha that was originally abandoned in February finally got finished! I was in doubt on if it would be transferred to a complete work, but you know what they say, when in doubt, pinky out!


As of today, I've been on Game Jolt for 8 years! Time truly does fly when you're having fun. There's a lot left to create and share. I look forward to the future of our journey together and thanks for your support after all this time!

A new demonstration is now available! Enjoy!

Asha says hi!

A fan art of Zeena from Sonic Lost World. She's a pretty villain that could use more love in this department!

A classic Sonic for your timeline! I love the opening/ending animations in Sonic CD since they do a stellar job representing his movement, wits and attitude. This one was a lot of fun!

Asha in the "Sonic the Fighters" style that I commissioned from MEGAF0XX on twitter. Monster World 4 celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, so it felt right to go all out and show her some love!

The artist was a joy to work with from start to finish!


In order to celebrate Monster World IV's 28th anniversary, we have a special treat for you! An alpha demo is now available! Enjoy a combination of Monster World IV and Final Fantasy IV in a Wonder Boy take on the popular ATB system!

A second version of an Asha chibi for the 30th anniversary of Monster World 4. This game and character mean so much to me and I wouldn't be the creator I am today without it!