3 months ago

Wanderer Backstory

This is the backstory of my OC, The Wanderer, and how he went from a farm boy to one of the most menacing swordsmen in the land. In this short tale, you'll learn about his humble beginnings and how one event can change the course of one's life forever.


This story contains some light swears and depictions of burnings, cults, and violence. If you are sensitive to any of these things... Go read a fanfic or something idk.

Enjoy :D

"Come on Robin! Just try your magic at me! I can handle it!" I yelled at my sister. She stood around fifteen feet away, stalling to try her magic. "But, I don't wanna hurt you, Andrew! What if I like- I don't know, break your leg?" She replied, concerned. "Don't worry! I can handle whatever it is you throw at me!" I stated proudly. She put her hand out and tried to launch the spell. She focused on it…


The magical ball of wind and ice jumped out of her hand and blasted towards me. Then-


The ball made contact with my stomach, and once it did I got launched back what felt like a mile but was only a few feet in reality. Once I hit the ground, I lost my focus. I heard my sister yell my name before rushing towards me. "Oh my God, Andrew, are you okay!? Did it hurt?!" She asked, fear in her eyes from the worry she had done real damage. Once I came back to reality she helped me up and despite the pain, it subsided almost instantly. I gave my response. "Well, it sure did hurt. But..." "But what?" She asked—sincerity in her eyes. "You, you finally figured out your magic! Mama was right!" I exclaimed. "You're right!" She replied joyfully. "Come on! Let's go tell Mama what happened!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me across the field and into our house. As we approached the door, I got worried. What if the town found out? But before I could worry anymore she burst through the door. "Mama! Guess what?!" She yelled as she dragged us both into the kitchen where she was doing dishes. "What? What's got you riled up like the pigs at feeding time?" She asked, interested to see what Robin had to say. "Look!" She put her hand out palm up and focused for a moment before


There was a small burst of wind and snow in her palm.

Mama's eyes lit up, her hands over her mouth. "Sweetie, you've inherited my gift! This is wonderful!" She exclaimed. Her eyes lit up as she ran over and hugged her as tight as she could. After a moment she pulled back. "Now sweetheart, you better promise me you'll make sure NO ONE finds out. Okay?" She said in an excited yet worrying tone. Perfect for my mother. "So, are we going to tell Papa?" I asked, my father didn't know he married a witch, and if he found out seventeen years in he'd be at a loss for words. "Oh heavens no! This is our secret, the three of us, we got our work cut out. If your father finds out the woman he married is a witch... Well, Andrew, you'd be living on your own!" My mother explained. We agreed to this and I went up to my room to study.

Around an hour into my work, Robin entered my room. "Andrew, I have an idea." She explained, her eyes bright with ideas. "Oh boy, what could it be this time? Fine. What spell I am your punching bag for now?" I asked sarcastically. "Well, I just asked Mama if we can go to the festival tonight and..." She started. "And... What?" I asked, awaiting her answer. "She said yes! And I know how much you've wanted to go to one of these!" I was about to say something when someone banged on the front door. We immediately rushed down the stairs but once we got there it was too late. We heard Mama screaming for mercy from the living room and when we went in there were two men in maroon robes who had tied up my mother. The men turned back to reveal they had strange black masks with... stars..? "Children, we're afraid we're going to be taking your mother for assumed witchcraft and black magic." One explained to us. As an emotional fourteen-year-old, Robin was holding back tears and immediately rejected this idea. "You can’t take her! She’s everything to us!" She exclaimed in protest. Then, her emotions got the best of her.

She put her hand out dramatically, and a giant ball of ice and wind began to form and grow. "She's a witch too! Get her!" One exclaimed. I was paralyzed. I didn't want to interfere with the worry of getting taken. I felt the chill of Robin's magic as one of the men walked towards me. Then all of a sudden they pulled something from their pocket. As my vision went hazy, I caught one last glimpse of Robin. She stood before the other person and as she unleashed the ball onto the man everything went black. A million questions filled my mind in those seconds before I would go under for who knows how long.

Once I awakened I sat up. I was on the kitchen floor with Robin and Mama nowhere to be found. I knew what was going to happen if I didn't take matters into my own hands. I gathered myself and dashed upstairs to my parent's room, I went into their closet and pulled out a giant chest. I opened it and took out my father's great sword from the war. It was dusty and decently heavy but I was able to carry it. I positioned myself over my shoulder and ran out of the house and into town. Once I got on the main trail I noticed footprints leading to a very thick and rough path. I knew this had to be where they were being kept. As I walked I noticed a lot of odd symbols and markings in the bark of the giant pine trees along the path. Once I reached the end of the path I smelled... Smoke..? Then, I saw it.

"M-Mama..." I stuttered under my breath. I was filled with anger and shock at the sight. And Robin was there too. and more of those men in robes! They had captured them and were about to burn them at the stake. I froze at this. Why? Who is soulless enough to DO this?! "You sick little... Why are you doing this!?" I shouted out, breaking away from my paralyzed state. As they lit the fire, they heard me and turned. They had those masks on, yet I could still see the moment of realization that their actions were about to have consequences. "Child, they are users of black magic. It's just what we must do." One replied. Their voice was muffled by the masks they wore. "I don't care! Their my family. I still love them despite their... Oddities." Then, I heard a blood-curdling scream. I look forward to find out that my chat with the men was a bad idea.

The fire got to them. All I saw was their silhouettes behind the roaring flames.

"ROBIN! MAMA!" I cried out, I ran forward to try and save them but the men tried to stop me, I drew my newfound sword and turned them into mincemeat. Their screams of terror while I killed them were the only joy that was felt in that moment. After that, I just stood there. looking at what I had done and staring into the flames. Then, I got an idea. I went over to one of the men I'd slain and took their robe and mask. I then put it on and left. I now titled myself;


I'll never forgive myself for what happened that day, But I now dawn the clothes of those I had slain.

Now I wander these lands, blood in my hands.

Regret now fills my stomach, and a newfound thirst must be maintained.

The End.

Hope you enjoyed it! This was written in like two days and I found it fun to write!



Next up

i put all a lie from guidance on my phone.

now i just need to put the madness within v3 on my phone.

I don't think that's happened since the TFI remake trailer.

Heya there Antagonists and Protagonists. I didn't plan on changing anything on the Story/Writing community but I suddenly had some idea I had to write down so here ya go.

Tell me what ya think of my sketch/doddles

The Flipside - INTRO!


A very simple story about Shadic the Hedgehog and weird mirror...

Written by @RaptorGuy

(Genres: psychedelic, avant-garde)

Yes, this is very psychedelic story


Icon Update

Updated a couple and added some new ones. Big devlog coming in early March.

And this is why the internet sucks sometimes kids.

Ok updated rules

I have the feeling they could be better but what do you think?

Idk why I suddenly decided to pep this community up since I found it's pretty okay before
