Hey guys, Malrat speaking (obviously)
The Thanks
I'm hoping I scheduled this post at the right time, considering Bud changed the premiere time for the April fools vid about once or twice already so god knows what'll change once I set the upload schedule on this post.
Either all I wanna thank everyone who came out to the premiere, while it was obviously an April fools joke and a majority of the audience didn't believe it was an actual FNwB2, some of you stuck through anyway for this video that Bud was ambitious for and spent a lot of time on, involving me and Spencer in the cast.
Now I just want to note, I know I said on twitter that I'm not taking part on April Fools, but all this was Bud and Spencer's idea, and they've been planning this shtick for quite a while now. If I recall before even 2022 started. Bud got me involved in it for making the models and such to cover it up as a Five Nights with Bud 2, even though his issue is he stated multiple times that it isn't going to happen and I had a feeling people were gonna call him out for it. But we went through with it anyway. Not to mention making me the sort of 'villain' of the story which was kinda neat.
While it was for a joke, we all still had fun in making this, and I hope you all had fun as we did watching the premiere as well.
Behind the Scenes
So going back to the topic about making the models, I've decided to show all 3 variants of Bud's model from the days of the beta, to today for the April fools joke. Going from a static face mesh to actual movable facial features, to aiming for a more cartoonish design.

As time went by, my goal was to try and make a proper cartoon model, I was ambitious on having it like be like Disney Pixar level of character design but that's too out my level, but you get where I'm at least going with this.
Which version is your favourite? Comment below.
What about a real Five Nights with Bud 2?
So with the joke out the way, I'm sure the question that's going to be on peoples minds is the possibility of an actual Five Nights with Bud 2, and you got the answer a majority of the time from Bud, but it's time for my answer;
I don't know. That's my answer. Cause if I were to speak honestly for once. Bud has came to me here and there for the past while about possibly planning for a real Five Nights with Bud 2 in the future, possibly. He exchanged stories and ideas and I exchanged mine, even starting to get a possible working story.
But the thing is I'm having to deal with University at the current moment and finish off my end on fangames entirely. I've been in the fangame scene for a long time, I started in 2016 and I'm getting to that point where I want to be done with making fangames, at least ones directed by me. I might still help people with their fangames, which could involve Five Nights with Bud 2, yet that mainly depends on my motivation and burnout on the genre/theme itself.
But yeah, much thanks