Hi there!
Work on my next project is now well on it’s way, we’re quite a bit away from a proper announcement and page but we need some help.
We need a talented 3d modeller for characters, I can’t say much about these characters but they will be non-organic. They will be highly detailed and complex however, so make sure you’re up for the task ;P.
Concept artist, you get to design and draw these characters, for our modeller to then use as a reference.
Graphical artist, You get to draw and design various in game visual elements such as signs, posters, labels ect.
Please provide legit information and a link to your previous work.
While I can’t promise an upfront payment, you will be paid later down the line. It will all depend on whether we do a Kickstarter to fund it and pay you or we are able to find a good investor.
Thank you for your time :)