This is the second first devlog about WotA (War of the ARchmages), an AR fantasy card game [currently being typed on a live stream on “Nesh’s Laboratory”].

Today’s goal was to be able to move the creatures within the world space.
This means that by moving the physical cards, it is possible to move the creatures within the game as if they were moved with the mouse.
The concept of game is to be played without the need of a mouse or keyboard, so every interaction needs to be doable with the cards and/or the board alone.

In order to achieve that, I had to switch the “World Center” from First Target to Camera.
In this way, the center of the world would be fixed.
After that, the objects needed to be placed on the board, rather than being child of their own Image Target. This allows much more control and flexibility over the creatures’ movements.

That was all it was needed, together with placing the board and the camera the way I liked, to get the basic functionality done.
Follow the channel for staying updated about the next episode of Nesh’s Laboratory: https://twitch.tv/nesh108.