Name: Kelly - 3 ATK 0 DEF | * The First Human of the Soul Core Children.
Weapon: Toy Knife (3-30 ATK) | * Made of Plastic, but it will permanently increases the ATTACK when strike perfectly until 30 ATTACKS.
Armor: Red Ribbon (3 DEF) | * The Only Ribbon that makes everyone become cuter even making the enemies are hesitant to attack you
Third Equipment: Frosted Bladearm (+0,5%-10% PTE) | * A gear that gifted by Flowey as self-defense... Yeah, Finisher Gear. PENETRATE target's defense by 0,5% to the 10% and slowing their movement and attacks, has a chance to Freeze them for one turn.
Name: Jony - 13 ATK 10 Def | * the BRAVE Human that can challenge a Dragon... if they're even did exist.
Weapon: Tough Gloves (5 ATK) | * Pair of Orange Gloves that can Block Target's attacks.
Armor: Manly Bandana (7-50 DEF) | * Bandana for a Chad who can tank any Attacks. Increase 4 DEFENSE everytime get hit 3 times in one turn until Max 50 DEFENSE.
Third Equipment: None
Name: Nita - 1 ATK 0 DEF | * A human who's still trying to respect the others, but the fate wantes the opposite.
Weapon: Ballet Shoes (7-40 ATK) | * These used shoes make the user feel incredibly dangerous.
Armor: Old Tutu (10 DEF) | * This tutu already be kept by Flowey for couple years.
Third Equipment: Flowey Armor (50 DEF) | * A Elite Soldier Armor Flowey steal it from a dead Soldier and repair it with some vines. It will permanently increase the User's ATTACKs everytime they land hit at the Target (0-1 ATK low aim, 2-3 ATK Middle Aim, 3-5 ATK High Aim, 7 ATK Perfect Aim) until 40 ATK.
Name: Livy - 0 ATK 5 DEF | * A nerd who loves reading, writing in his notebook, and calculating everything with mathematics combined with magic.
Weapon: Magic Notebook (2 ATK) | * Contain important information, spell, and... Random Word. Increase INV by 6.
Armor: Safety Glasses (5 DEF) | * A-Actually, this glasses isn't even armor, but it will increase INV by 9.
Third Equipment: Magic Staff (1-10 INV) | * Do you think human cannot using magic? You haven't watch Marry Hotter yet. Every time the User cast a Magic Skill, it will Increased INVULNERABLE by 1-10 and gain 5 DEFENSE.
Name: Caleb - 6 ATK 8 DEF | * A human who's have most rarest soul before Determination
Weapon: Burnt Pan (10 ATK) | * Damage is rather consistent. Consumable items heals four more HP.
Armor: Battle Apron (15 DEF) | * You won't believe it if Apron can be turn into a Armor, Flowey is something else. Heals 3 HP and Permanently increased 2 DEF to every party member for every other turn. (If the User were alone, they will get healed for 5 HP and increased 5 DEF)
Third Equipment: Soul Shield (70 DEF) | * The User can block enemy's attack which it cost 5% Stamina per second and took 8% Stamina after get hit by the attack and recovered 10% of stamina per second (when it ran out stamina, it will recovered 20% per second).
Name: Milly - 1 ATK 0 DEF | * She may look Yellow, but not really. Likes to say "Yee-Haw!".
Weapon: Wild Revolver (12-50 ATK) | * An deadly revolver which it need be used with carefully. Has 30% chance to deals Critical Damage.
Armor: Cowboy Hat (12 DEF) | * Wearing this make the battle won't big enough for both of us. It also has 20% chance to deals Critical Damage.
Third Equipment: Star Badge (20%-50% Crit) | * Gain 20%-50% Critical Damage. gain Soul Dash ability which it also gain Invulnerable while Dash (except for damage that caused Knockback).