19 days ago

Was that always there?



Next up

Hay más de dónde salió eso

Primera reacción: oh si espero tener una figura.

Segunda reacción: ESTO ES UN PUTO POU

🇺🇲: First reaction: oh yeah I hope I have a figure

Second reaction: THIS

Second reaction: THIS IS A FUCKING POU

Crude machine.

do yall remember that one spider mortem drawing i did?? well i redesigned her bc i was bored

Quién sería tan pelotudo para jalarsela en el ciber mano?

Ten years on tearsure island


Just to play with it/solo para jugar con el

I made low poly art of Photo Negative Mickey in graphic design class and the teacher actually printed it out #fnati

They just released Vol 2, it's not bad, they just remade songs