3 years ago

Was thinking of maybe making a Splatoon RPG as a fun slow going side project in RPG Maker.

Below is a summary of my ideas.


The story would follow a young man named Albert, one of the top Rainmaker players in the city, who for reasons that become clear as his past revealed, plays Rainmaker and Rainmaker only.

After the final Splatfest of Splatoon 2 and before Splatoon 3, Chaos overtakes Inkopolis, and the city descends into gang warfare. Albert, left bitter by the current state of affairs joins forces with a man named Terry and a Grizzco employee named Cara, as the three of them lead a faction known as the Downpour Defenders, attempting to restore order.

However as Albert's army rises to power, his allies begin to question his leadership and ambitions.

Albert means well, genuinely trying to do his best for the people of the city, but he is bitter at the masses who chose Chaos.

Because above all else...

Albert desires peace and security.

At all costs.

The reason for this is revealed as the story goes on, but has some connection to Albert's trauma which is connected to D1, a mysterious figure from his past he knew three years prior, and who was clearly very important to him.


In terms of gameplay the basic foundation is your standard RPG Maker VX Ace affair, but with specials functioning as limit breaks and every character only having 100 mana (renamed ink) by default that does not increase as they level. All skills cost ink and you can recover ink by turning into a squid, which grants you ink regen for a turn but leaves you open to attack. In squid from you can heal, gather extra ink, or apply an attack buff to yourself before returning to humanoid form to attack. There are various buffs and debuffs already coed as well, with my hope to make a game where debuffs and buffs are important and combat is tricky but fair, with an emphasis on ink management and pre battle planning.

The pre battle aspect being in the fact that each of the party members can use 2 or 3 different weapon type, each weapon type giving differing move sets with about 5 to 6 skills each. Each one has a different niche with different status effects, allowing for experimentation.

I hope in doing this I can create a fun and interesting gameplay experience that preserves the spirit and feel of Splatoon, at least the ink management aspect.

As for the party...


Albert: Albert is an Octoling who is in his early-mid twenties. He is a simple man who desires peace and security above all else, but prior to the events of the game was a man with very little, Rainmaker being his only real joy in life. He suffers from panic attacks while in combat, forcing him to listen to music while fighting as the sounds of weapon fire are a major trigger.

He wields a custom brush he calls Stormbringer, and uses it as his go to weapon in his quest to restore order. While he has a good heart and means well, he is on some level bitter at the masses, and has little faith in them, leading to him developing a very power hungry and controlling personality as his forces conquer the rival gangs.

His past is unclear, but it seems linked to his love for Rainmaker and intense desire for security, he seems fixated on someone he used to know simply referred to as D1.

His pressure in Rainmaker is so oppressive he has earned the nickname of "Torrential Tyrant" of the battlefield.

His favorite song is #8 Regret.

Terry: Terry is a major film buff of similar to age to Albert who fought for chaos in the last Splatfest, but detests the current state of affairs. He loves film as an art form, and saw chaos as being freedom of expression rather than anarchy. This is why he aligns himself with Albert.

This Inkling is no one special per say, but he is a skilled gunman all the same, decently high ranked but always just under the radar, preferring to play for fun than being the best. He dreams of becoming a director and producing his own film. He believe that people should be free to express themselves but there must be balance, which the city currently lacks.

He considers Albert a genuine and dear friend, along with Cara, but does not agree with Albert's ultimate goals. Terry is a simple man, but he is a man of principle, and if forced, will do what he believe is right, for Albert, and everyone.

His favorite song is Muck Warfare.

Cara: Cara is a Profreshinal, and a very skilled employee of Grizzco of similar age to Albert and Terry. She considers her coworkers like family, and after a deal between Albert and Mr. Grizz, she fights as a general in Albert's army, which is made up mostly of Grizzco employees who will do any work, even fighting Albert's war.

Cara is stubborn but kind, and while she does care deeply for Terry and Albert, ultimately she will do what's best for Girzzco. It's not personal, it's just business.

This Octoing has a love for the culinary arts, running a food review blog for fun in her free time, she does cook form time to time, having attempted to make Power Eggs into omelets, but they always make her sick after.

Her favorite song is Calamari Inkantation.

D1: A mysterious DJ from Albert's past who created the Stormbringer. Her and Albert appear to have been close, her being the one to teach ALbert to use music to handle his panic attacks.

The two met somewhere on the Deep Sea Metro, from which she never returned.

Albert's greatest fear is that she died...

She can't recall her favorite song since...

Well that's a spoiler.

---Other Notes---

The story is intended to explore themes of found family, understanding one own's limits, that others being wrong doesn't make you right, and knowing when to admit wrong.

Also I may have Terry and Cara have small side quests exploring art and freedom expression to flesh them out as well but that's a very soft maybe.

But this is where I run into a wall.





I need sprites, animations, and tile sets, along with icons.

If anyone can create these things in RPG Maker VX Ace, custom ones, I would be willing to commission when I get some spare money.

If anyone takes commissions for such things and can implement them into RPG Maker for me to use, please let me know.

Until then this is sadly all conceptual.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.



Next up

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