8 hours ago

was workin on a thumbnail for a friend last night and i got sidetracked so goddamn much i only finished the characters



Next up

new draw your oc over this challenge just dropped

critter activity [ @FukaseSanWaBakaDesu ]

im in the booth rn im wearin a suit and tie! im in the booth rn im dressed like the preside [ @jasperwashere ]

bozo gang canon event

photo edited w my phone while waitin for smth

phone crashed like 10 times for this 😭

catch me and the gang on death penalty [ @panned , @EpicBanana212 , @mykkode, @mac_n_cheeseiscool ]

bga batch thhhrrreeeeeee

[ @TerKeno , polar, @CaelumKidd , @Areion ]

its gotta be luigi

new bga refssss : 3 gonna work on more soon

[ @charliesocool , @crunchyfreeze , @jasperwashere ]