9 days ago

Watch out Doise! It's not what you think! (art by carrot)

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So Fangamer added three new Pizza Tower plush being Gnome Peppino (Lario), Noisette Rabbit and Pillar John! (there is also a plush combo if you want to buy all the plush that are released)

Pizza Tower Mashup: Pandemonium Paradox (Pumpin' Hot Stuff X Impasta Syndrome)

By BG10 Productions

Link to original upload: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ad3eJ8l-u4


The full PT Final Round comic Business With Chickens created by soomlarr (sorry if I have not posted in a while)

Can we talk about their last skin for Stripe in Multiversus being brain gremlin for some reason

Pizza Tower UST - Autoenucleation (vs Peddito)

A UST by Groozmoic

Link to original upload: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puqtLouPRiU

Well, some sprites are ready for the game

#pizzatower #fangame

Look at this monkey (animation by Ohm Spino: https://www.youtube.com/@ohmspino)