Wave Shock 2 (Case 2 Animatronics Survival Fangame)

2 years ago

Wave Shock Lite, For Mobile and PC.

Still in development, content will maybe change in time.

will come out this weekend.
For more Information, Press “READ ARTICLE” below this post.

Wave Shock Lite will be playerble on Mobile and PC devices.
it will contain 1 map, 4 enemys, 1 playerble survivor. you have as a ability a EMP mine, a teaser gun that can hold 12 bullets. you can collect ammo arround the map that will give you 24 bullets each drop.

- Multiplayer will up to 8 players and also CROSSPLAY, so you can play with Mobile and PC at same time ONLY LOCAL INTERNET. The enemies will be a little harder depends on how many players are in this game.



Next up

Soon... :D

Break room.

Codename: ...

Story mode Soon.

Tomorrow. (if luck)

Hello guys, :D

This would be the loading screen.

Inspired by Case 2: Animatronics Survival

Hello Guys, New Enemy Head Rotate system and Unreal Engine 5 Nanite (looks worse because i play on Low settings) Soon.

Hello guys, this is the first post I will make for this game. I replaced the old pa(i)ge image with this new one. What do you think, does it look good?  About the development, it's running well. But sadly there is not much to show yet.