Well, I've finished the Battle Room, as you can see, the palette is better exported than the previous screenshots (which were exported from MS Paint).
Here are some test battles, the "Check" system is not well polished, so I probably removed it. But for now here are some screenshots in EasyRPG Player from the Android version.
I think I already have a method to export the game without RTP, so you probably don't need to download it as the page says.
I'll be adding new themes and a small ending system to the Test Build to test Switches and Variables, so that should be coming soon.
Phew! It's taking a long time to develop this alone, with everything I'll have to do for Demo 1, but hey, remember, let's be patient.
I won't estimate release dates, I don't think I should. But well, we'll see when the Test Build is released.
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