Yap and Yell: Louder!
3 days ago

We are currently working on Louder Build 6.0 AKA the final release build. For more information on what is changed and where we are, read the article below (Warning, Massive Article)

This is going to be the most transparent i will be with what we have changed, and improved for specifically the main nights. Or things we are still working on but are far enough for me to talk about them.

Implemented Improvements:

Better UI animations, the UI animations have been heavily reworked and as seen by the camera button floating up they look much better.

Better SFX, the ambience in the office has been switched to something that is definitely more defined and detailed when listening. Things like alarms panning left and right depending what side they were on, or signal interference noise from the cameras muddying up what should be important noises.

Work in Progress Improvements:


Better office visuals, currently this is being worked on by Mega. But as it is with life, they must focus on that first. However from what is done, its a major step up from whats seen. (This also ties into why the improved Yap model has made no progress at this time)


Menu overhaul, again still a work in progress but some of this has been shown. This menu is shaping to have one thing, convenience. Hopefully making it streamlined to just get to a night or a minigame you want to play. Its still being tweaked and shifted around but a general concept is still there.

Jumpscare animation improvements, I would say or show something but theres no fun in knowing the jumpscares! So guess you have to wait...


A much better camera system, we made the camera tablet bigger and that should help readability in game. Along with making the camera more pleasing to the eyes and not as ugly.

Implemented Changes:
Switching to Peytonphile + Easing scrolling, this condenses what is usually a 4 object setup into one singular object. Not only does it clean things up and make my life easier, it also makes the scrolling as fast as the player is, so no need for scrolling speed changes! I will be making this change in Yip Demo for V2.0 as i think it would be nice to move your mouse outside the window when you need to..

Work in Progress Changes:
Animatronic AI, difficulty tweaks here and there due to nights increasing in length as you progress forward.

Swapping save file system with INI ++, allows for achievements with a hard to manipulate encrypted and hidden save file. Currently WIP as we develop the game.

Actually working Discord Rich Presence support, tldr im a dumbass and didn't realize how it worked lol, this change was actually finished for Yips minigame so that's one thing you can try out already!

Gameplay Trailer Announcement:
We will be making a trailer on build 6, and instead of Night 1 we want to show a snippet of Night 2, where it gets more rowdy with Yap, Yip, and BahBah active. (Yes, Night 1 has Yap and Yip active) Expect this trailer sometime in the coming months.

Exclusive Yap and Yell Louder Night 1+2 Gameplay Discord Stream:
I will be streaming the first 2 nights of Louder in the community discord server right after we have the trailer 3. This will also include showing the wip menu and cutscene, so don't miss out!

Main Nights Alpha Testing Starting Soon:
Finally we are starting alpha testing on the full game soon. I plan to start testing when story board cutscenes are done and implemented in some fashion. We are not planning to open Alpha/Beta testing forms for Louder anymore either. We have a private group for Alpha and Beta testing as done with the Yip Demo and we like to keep trust between the testers and team high.

Final Notes + Why things are taking so long:
Thank you all for your patience with us as we work to bring our best to the table. As for why we are taking so long to make things, its 2 pillars, life and hardware.

Recently I have gotten a part time job, along with school projects coming closer to being due and me having to apply for college soon. Balancing these three with working on this game is quite the struggle, and it doesn't help my GPU hasn't been able to keep up with rendering in Cycles lengthening render times for everything.

The GPU I have right now is an RX 6700XT, if your into PC stuff you would know these aren't the greatest if you plan to render with Cycles. It doesn't help that GPU prices have sky rocketed too due to stock issues, so it will be awhile before I can afford anything that will help with render times.

So thats gonna be all from me, expect more news later on all this stuff. - VeniaDev



Next up

who tf is this

Currently my focus rn is getting the main menu to its final good form, heres concepts of what i have in mind

workin on that new menu

Well poll hasn't even ended yet it seems pretty obvious what won, ill slowly work on this as its not important to me, but heres what i have right now.

logic defying map fixed and made better

there is an easter egg in Louder that is a one in a million chance of getting when starting the game, heres the specific number. Good luck finding out what it is when the game releases

The Yap's Hypermart cast would like to say Happy International Womans day to everyone!

Might try to make Louder a bit fancier UI wise, since somethings i work on recently have been much higher quality. (example in video)

New and improved ready for the show stage soon..

May have missed fnaf 3's 10 year anniversary but i made this funny little mock up of a FNaF 3 beta type game that was gonna be some lost late 2014 build (Credits in article wont upload this game for obvious reasons)