Rose Rock Shooter
2 years ago

We have a new coder and where on the move again.



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I am happy to have the comic Rose rock shooter: assassin hunt out it was just mean to be done in mouth. Original it was for the Octobit challenge its were you meant produce art in a day. Normal there are prompts that you follow but I try making a story.

Sorry for the long wait here another screen grab of the cut scene I am making.

check it out the slum level is almost finish. #screenshot

Another mouthily screenshot still of abandoned subway level.

I should said on the last screen shot but were back to unity. here is a little level extension I made.

New screen shoot a new level in production. and it fan voted one. #gamedev #screenshot

Sorry for the lack of uploads. We are still alive and I finished the construction level art/design wise and the bomb work in game to.

A screen shoot of the controls. I updated the setting rooms.

Here is sneak peek of what I am working on. Its for the first cut scene. #cutscene #pixelart #sneakpeek

A doodle of my playable characters for women's day.