I unfortunately come with some dissapointing news. Mrmitten has gone on a hiatus, and won't work until an indefinite time. He made a last tweet a day ago which really saddens me and the team. We hope he doing okay, and will get some rest from his well deserved break. Since Mrmitten is gone (for now), I Toby_Dog7, will from here on out act as the director for Undertinge. This was already decided beforehand when Mrmitten would go in hiatus. I hope everyone will like me as the/their new director.
My first "change" will be that there will be a roadmap that is going to be made, so progress will go along steadily.
Here is Mrmitten's last post before he went on hiatus. Mrmitten if you read this, me and the team think your work is absolutely gorgeous, and could never be considered "garbage".