As you all seen it by now, both Jax Justun Studios and Haxx Hustun Studios have already created their official episodes/chapters of their official chronicle-like series and everything!!!!! And of course, hopefully around between in #FebANDmarchOf2025, the official episodes/chapters of the Draxx Dustun Studios Chronicles Series will be eventually be out shortly then ever!!!!! Things however will of course, be different and everything!!!!! Stay tuned for more future updates!!!!!! And yes, as of the starts of #FebOf2025, we'll be the first ones to create the next and official #JJSvideo, as soon as everything's all ready to go and everything!!!!!! It may be also being already developed and everything!!!!! WHO EVEN NOSE!!!! And yes, I know the official episodes/chapters for the #HHSchroniclesSeries are taking a very long time to develop and everything, but of course, practice makes perfect and whatnot!!!!!
Anyways folks, another quick thing that we wanted to talk about is about all of the positive love and support that you guys have been given us since them starts back around on #AugustOf2024!!!! These six months here in these two years had never been possible without you guys and everything!!!!! The way how much that you guys have given towards our precious parody projects, mascots, and vids had made all of us here at DDS HQ even more positively stronger then ever before!!!! Let us all hope that around in starts of #FebOf2025, things will be even more positive then ever before!!!!!! And of course, around that time and everything, we'll be also showing off the official line-ups of all of The DDS Discovery Parody Archivers of Draxx Dustun Studios (The DPAs of Draxx Dustun Studios) from Series Two of 2024 as well too!!!!! Anyways folks, you all be safe, enjoy your guy's goodnight and relaxing sleeps, and we'll see you all next time in the next future parody updates!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!