Here on this day alone, on February 7th, 1976, nearly 49 years ago, the official Rich Mall Keeper known as VellaPort "HellocapterSauron", also known as the #23rdRecalledParodyMascot was created!!!!!! And he's the oldest brother of the #22ndRecalledParodyMascot known as TrankeyTrankTank "SubberinaSauron"!!!!!! Which on this day alone also, TrankeyTrankTank "SubberinaSauron" was officially discovered and created as an official Rich Mall Keeper way back on Feb. 7th, 1931!!!!!! Roughly like 94 years ago!!!!!! WOW!!!! Looks like Draxx Dustun Studios are doing something a bit different and original here on 2025!!!!! Showing off official release dates on when all of their official parody mascots, parody cameo mascots, and recalled parody mascots were all created on here!!!!! How amazing's that you guys!!!!! Well folks, I'll see you all next time!!!! Assuming they'll be times that I'll be off during days that I'm not working around those moments of time!!!! See you all then I hope!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!
(OH!!! We forgot to mentioned that the official #20thRecalledParodyMascot known as Zellacawptor "The ZellaCawper HelloCopter" was also created on this month alone, back on February 1st, 1907!!!!! Nearly like 118 years ago!!!! WHOA!!! Different date and a lucky number at the same time??? Didn't expect that I guess!!!! Anyways, C U all next time!!!!!!)