3 months ago

we need see a death scene where either tails or knuckles limbs get burtilly torn away in a death cutcene like omt ripping out of tails body mabey the omt tenticals holding onto one them and tearing away that would be so awsome

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Sonic exe one last round rework hd?

Ftah 3.0menu resign @nickperson What's diffrent: moved the poll to the building, extended the front door so the sign can sit above, added shades (Unused: grand reopening sign above the building not enough room to add it in.

Fun times at homers 3 fixed chr designs orignal game by nickperson all credits to him for giving us a new ftah game

Oh...there you are...

HMM today ment be day for one last round rework demo any news on what time its coming out pixle?

Who is him....

@HakuVihh @NickPerson

A fan art I made to celebrate ftah 1 aniversery (and celebrate ftah 3 realese )

Fun times at homers world concept @nickperson

Some things never change.

Lucy droid after the bad ending