With the advent of GNCR X being finished and (to my knowledge) stabilized, I went and added the finishing touches to the 1.1.0 patch for GenesiS ScrolL VoL. 1.
This includes:
Minor visual touch-ups.
More substantial legal text at the start, plus a splash screen indicating that this is indeed Part 2 of ZodiA WavE.
Small continuity fixes.
Implementing iodbc's music from the GalaxY ScrolL album, as well as one track from the GNCR X OST.
One last message in the after-credits scene.
Now then, as for GenesiS ScrolL VoL. 2. Fortunately, the base code for the visual novel segments are complete (portraits, story text, backgrounds, all's good on that front). Still need to get back to the ExplorE and BaF BaF segments, but at least now I can put focus into that.
However, keep in mind that I will need to split the work. First I'll alternate between this and what should be the final update for TNTS. Once that's done, I'll be moving onto a back-and-forth between VoL. 2 and MRID.
For reference, I decided to explicitly label each entry of ZodiA WavE as a Part for easier access (GNCR X is Part 1, FLGY VoL. 1 is Part 2, TNTS is Part 3, etc.). As the plan stands, MonsteR IslanD is set to be Part 4, and FLGY VoL. 2 will be Part 5. Because one is significantly more anticipated than the other, I've decided this method of alternation will be optimal for having both novels released in their proper order, while not making you wait another eternity for VoL. 2.
And hey, while making GNCR X I learned quite a bit about some of the engines I was working with, so that's something to look forward to.
tl;dr FinaL GatewaY GenesiS ScrolL VoL. 2 is finally back in development, it'll be alternated between stuff for both quality control and maintaining the original plan intact, and I'm still a long-winded loon.
Thank you for your time, and EnjoY ThE ShoW!
And this sketch of VoL. 2's central character, Akemi Centurion.